Skin Care for Different Skin Types

The first and most important step when starting a skincare regimen is to find out your skin type. This helps you choose the right products to use so that your skin benefits most, in the shortest possible time. Most cosmetics, cleansers, toners, facial masks and other products have the skin type they are best suited for mentioned prominently on the packaging. When shopping for products, make sure to pay special attention to this information.
Another advantage of knowing your skin type is that you know which ingredients are likely to be harmful to your skin. For example, for those with sensitive skin, apricot scrub is best avoided because it is too aggressive and harsh. Salicylic acid is good for acne prone skin. For those with oily skin, products containing salicylic acid are also a good choice. To make a judicious choice of products, you do need to look at their ingredients. Knowing your skin type lets you pick products with all the right ingredients to give you healthy and great looking skin.

Normal skin is the easiest to care for. The best products to use for this skin type are those that support normal skin functions. Of course, even normal skin does break out at rare times or develops rashes or skin blemishes when exposed to certain products. But this skin type usually bounces back to its normal healthy glow with some help from you with the right skin care products.
To care for normal skin you need a gentle cleanser which also works as your makeup remover. Keep your skin well hydrated with moisturizers and toning gels. Use a hydrating gel mask once a week to keep the skin supple and to keep dry skin problems well away. Serums and day creams to nourish and protect the skin during daytime and firming eye creams, night time creams and oils allow normal skin to repair cell damage and regain a healthy glow for the day ahead.

Dry skin requires extra special care, especially during winter months. Regular and effective cleansing is very important for dry skin since clogged pores further reduce the available sebum. Use a mild cleansing milk to ensure that the dryness is not worsened by the cleansing process. Avoid washing your face too many times as it strips the skin of essential oils and moisture. Cleansing once before applying makeup and once at night is sufficient. Cleansers with good moisture retention are good choices for dry skin. Avoid alcohol based toners that dry out your skin. Use a toner with honey or mint instead.
Use nourishing creams generously. Pick creams that have vitamin E to give your dry skin new life. Vitamin E also postpones the appearance of wrinkles and lines. Under eye creams are also good options. But if you are using a heavier one during the daytime take care to remove it thoroughly at bedtime.
Oil massages with natural oil (e.g.: olive/coconut) before bath help your skin stay hydrated after the wash. Take short warm showers and keep away from all bath soap bars (except those with high fat content). Apply a rich moisturizer right after your bath so that it can penetrate your skin more effectively.

Oily skin has a natural barrier against moisture loss which is why you can avoid rich moisturizers for this skin type. However, some oily skin types may be prone to dryness in winter months. When this is the case, moisturizing is necessary.
Proper cleansing is a very important part of your oily skin care regimen to prevent acne. Cleansing clears your pores and ensures that there is no debris clogging them leading to blackheads, infections and other common oily skin problems. Use oil control cleansers (e.g.: with activated charcoal) or those containing salicylic acid and avoid those containing sulfates.
People with oily skin may, if necessary, carry out exfoliation twice a week. This removes buildup over the epidermis. Moisturizing serums are better choices than lotions or creams. If your skin becomes dry with the serum use one that hydrates.
Although oily skin does have its own natural protection, you should apply sunscreen when you go out. Avoid sunscreen- moisturizer combos and opt for lightweight sunscreen-only products. For your weekly facials, use clay based masks that absorb the excess oil from your skin.

Combination skin, choosing products that suit both the dry parts and the greasy parts is a difficult task. Sometimes, it may be better to simply use two different products. However, most people can care effectively for this skin type by choosing their skincare products from a range that is specially designed for combination skin.
When it comes to dealing with specific skin problems, it is relatively easy to use the product, say, an acne treatment gel, only on the affected or problem prone areas. For instance, you could use the acne cream over your T-zone and use a moisturizer around the eyes and over your cheeks where the skin is dry and flaky.
Antioxidant rich products or those containing cell communicating ingredients are a good choice for people with combination skin. If the greasiness is causing most of the skin problems you encounter, then light weight gels, serums and lotions are the better choice.
If you are breaking out more after the use of a specific product, it is likely that you are allergic to ingredients it contains. Avoiding this product could correct your skin problem and also make your skin more balanced and easier to care for.
Cleansing your face with a gentle cleanser is the very first step in combination skin care. Water soluble products are the best as they help avoid dryness and irritation. Gel based cleansers or mild foaming ones are perfect to control the breakouts in the oily parts of your face. But if your skin is already irritated or sun burned, opting for a lotion cleanser may be a better option. If a toner is part of your daily skin care regimen then use only products that have no alcohol, menthol or fragrances. Citrus oils are also best avoided in toners.
Use an effective sunblock no matter how short your trip outside is going to be. Sunscreens and sun blocks keep your skin looking healthier and younger for longer and keep wrinkles away. Lotion or cream moisturizers applied to the dry areas keep the skin here problem free. But avoid these on the greasy parts at all cost.

 Sensitive skin type is perhaps the most challenging one to care for mainly because it is very prone to irritation at the slightest provocation. A good first step in sensitive skin care is to only use products that are labeled fragrance free or perfume free. Fragrances can cause skin reactions; in fact, they may be the cause of more skin reactions than any other ingredients in your skin care product.
Other things to avoid are products with too many chemicals (or preservatives). If finding a preservative free product is proving difficult, try experimenting with different products to find the preservatives that affect you least. Products with alcohol are a no-no (example, some toners) as they dry out the skin and leave it more vulnerable to irritation. Avoid oil based makeup products. To ensure that the products you buy are suitable for your skin type, always test them out on a small area of skin that is not readily visible to others.
What you can use are skincare products that are hypo-allergenic. Rather than face washes or soaps, use a mild cleanser to wash your face. Keep your skin from becoming too dry by moisturizing with a water based moisturizer. For sun protection, use a sun screen whenever you step out. Remember that sensitive skin burns very easily when exposed to the sun’s rays.
Avoid using makeup on irritated /broken skin or rashes as this will exacerbate your problem. When drying your skin after a wash, always pat dry rather than rub dry to keep your skin irritation free.


Normal Skin

Do you have a smooth, healthy complexion? Are your pores medium in size and perhaps, sometimes, women say they wish they had your complexion? If so, thank your parents for their genetics as you probably have normal type skin. This is the easiest type of skin to care for, but don’t get lazy, sticking to a solid men’s skin care regimen will keep it looking good for years to come.

Cleanse: Wash your face 1-2x a day with a face wash to keep it oil and dirt free. In the morning, after work/a workout, and before bed are good points. Using a face wash with or without a scent is fine as the scents probably will not irritate your face. Before washing, splash warm water on your face or even better, take a shower to open up your pores to allow dirt out. Use only a dime sized amount of face wash as the skin on your face is extremely delicate, it really needs very little to be cleansed. Lather up your face for 30 seconds with your face wash by lightly rubbing in a circular motion. Try not to pull down on the skin as you don’t want to help gravity and expedite the natural occurrence of wrinkles/loose skin. Rinse with cool water as this will shrink your pores, preventing new dirt and oil from entering. Pat your face dry as rubbing your face encourages premature wrinkling from stretching the skin. Your face should feel clean, but not “too clean”. People have been programmed by cheap, drugstore face washes to think that your face should feel tight and dry after you wash it. This is actually bad for your face as it can increase oil production, cause breakouts, and drying out your face causes expedited aging. Scrub: You should exfoliate your face 1-2x a week to help prevent the buildup of dead skin cells. Using a face scrub before you shave adds an added benefit of allowing for a smoother shave. On days you exfoliate, the scrub should replace washing your face, as both washing your face and using a face scrub together can severely dry out your face, causing irritation, breakouts and redness. Like washing your face, prepare your face by splashing warm water on your face or even better; take a shower to open up your pores to allow dirt out. Apply a dime sized amount of men's face scrub to your face; any more is just a waste of your hard earned money. Gently rub the scrub over your face, especially the areas where your pores are the largest. If using scrub before a shave, make sure to concentrate on the areas of your face you plan on shaving. Rinse with cool water as this will shrink your pores, preventing new dirt and oil from entering. Pat your face dry as rubbing your face encourages premature wrinkling from stretching the skin. Hydrate: Moisturize your skin with a face moisturizer 1-2x a day after washing it. A simple routine is to do it after you shower in the morning and before you go to bed. Hydrating your face keeps it generally looking good, prevents aging and wrinkles, and prevents excess oil production. Using a scented product, if desired, should not irritate your face. If you’re worried about your forehead wrinkles and other fine lines, a small amount of anti-aging cream can help smooth them out and tighten your skin. Nothing can prevent wrinkles or fully make them go away, but you certainly can slow down the aging process and make them less noticeable. A good eye cream can also tighten and rejuvenate the tired, wrinkly skin around your eyes. If you’re going to be in the sun for an extended period of time (over 30 minutes), apply SPF30 or higher designed for the face to protect the skin from sun damage.

Dry Skin

Does your skin flake or always seem dry? If so, you probably have dry skin. Dry skin requires special care and to really slather on face moisturizer. Fear not though, as it’s one of the easier types of skin to take care of.

 Cleanse: Cleanse your face no more than 1x a day to keep it oil and dirt free. Cleansing any more than 1x a day will cause excessive dryness. A good practice is to cleanse it at the end of your day, before bed. Use a face wash without any scents as they will irritate your face. Before washing, splash warm water on your face or even better, take a shower to open up your pores to allow dirt out. Use only a dime sized amount of face wash as the skin on your face is extremely delicate, it really needs very little to be cleansed. Lather up your face for 30 seconds with your face wash by lightly rubbing in a circular motion. Try not to pull down on the skin as you don’t want to help gravity and expedite the natural occurrence of wrinkles/loose skin. Rinse with cool water as this will shrink your pores, preventing new dirt and oil from entering. Pat your face dry as rubbing your face encourages premature wrinkling from stretching the skin. Your face should feel clean, but not “too clean”. People have been programmed by cheap, drugstore face washes to think that your face should feel tight and dry after you wash it. This is actually bad for your face as it can increase oil production, cause breakouts, and drying out your face causes expedited aging. Scrub: We do not recommend exfoliating a dry skin type face more than once a month and preferably only before you shave. On days you exfoliate, the face scrub should replace washing your face, as both washing your face and using a face scrub together can severely dry out your face, causing irritation, breakouts and redness. Like washing your face, prepare your face by splashing warm water on your face or even better; take a shower to open up your pores to allow dirt out. Apply a dime sized amount of men's face scrub to your face; any more is just a waste of your hard earned money. Gently rub the scrub over your face, especially the areas where your pores are the largest. If using scrub before a shave, make sure to concentrate on the areas of your face you plan on shaving. Rinse with cool water as this will shrink your pores, preventing new dirt and oil from entering. Pat your face dry as rubbing your face encourages premature wrinkling from stretching the skin. Hydrate: Use a face moisturizer 2-3x a day, morning, mid-day and at night. With dry skin, you need to make sure your face stays hydrated at all times. Hydrating your face keeps it generally looking good, prevents aging and wrinkles, and prevents excess oil production. Avoid a scented product, it will probably irritate and dry out your skin further. A person with dry skin is more susceptible to aging, fine lines, and wrinkles, so a small amount of anti-aging cream can help smooth them out and tighten your skin. Nothing can prevent wrinkles or fully make them go away, but you certainly can slow down the aging process and make them less noticeable. An eye cream can also tighten and rejuvenate the tired, wrinkly skin around your eyes. If you’re going to be in the sun for an extended period of time (over 30 minutes), apply SPF30 or higher designed for the face to protect the skin from sun damage.

Sensitive Skin

Does your face seem to get irritated just by going outside sometimes? Or even thinking about washing or putting lotion on it creates patchiness, redness, or just outright irritation? If so, you probably have sensitive skin. This is one of the hardest types of skin to deal with, but with our solid routine, you’ll be able to achieve less irritated, healthy skin.

  Cleanse: Cleanse your face no more than 1x a day with a face wash to keep it oil and dirt free. Cleansing any more than 1x a day will cause excessive sensitivity and irritation. A good practice is to cleanse it at the end of your day, before bed. Use a face wash without any scents as they will irritate your face. Before washing, splash warm water on your face or even better, take a shower to open up your pores to allow dirt out. Use only a dime sized amount of face wash as the skin on your face is extremely delicate, it really needs very little to be cleansed. Lather up your face for 30 seconds with your face wash by lightly rubbing in a circular motion. Try not to pull down on the skin as you don’t want to help gravity and expedite the natural occurrence of wrinkles/loose skin. Rinse with cool water as this will shrink your pores, preventing new dirt and oil from entering. Pat your face dry as rubbing your face encourages premature wrinkling from stretching the skin. Your face should feel clean, but not “too clean”. People have been programmed by cheap, drugstore face washes to think that your face should feel tight and dry after you wash it. This is actually bad for your face as it can increase oil production, cause breakouts, and drying out your face causes expedited aging. Scrub: We do not recommend exfoliating a sensitive skin type face more than once a month and preferably only before you shave. On days you exfoliate, the face scrub should replace washing your face, as both washing your face and using a face scrub together can severely dry out your face, causing irritation, breakouts and redness. Like washing your face, prepare your face by splashing warm water on your face or even better; take a shower to open up your pores to allow dirt out. Apply a dime sized amount of men's face scrub to your face; any more is just a waste of your hard earned money. Gently rub the scrub over your face, especially the areas where your pores are the largest. If using scrub before a shave, make sure to concentrate on the areas of your face you plan on shaving. Rinse with cool water as this will shrink your pores, preventing new dirt and oil from entering. Pat your face dry as rubbing your face encourages premature wrinkling from stretching the skin. Hydrate: Moisturize your skin with a face moisturizer 1-2x a day after wash it. A simple routine is to do it after you shower in the morning and before you go to bed. Hydrating your face keeps it generally looking good, prevents aging and wrinkles, and prevents excess oil production. Do not use a scented product, as it will irritate your skin. If you’re worried about your forehead wrinkles and other fine lines, a small amount of anti-aging cream can help smooth them out and tighten your skin. Nothing can prevent wrinkles or fully make them go away, but you certainly can slow down the aging process and make them less noticeable. A good man eye cream can also tighten and rejuvenate the tired, wrinkly skin around your eyes. If you’re going to be in the sun for an extended period of time (over 30 minutes), apply SPF30 or higher designed for the face to protect the skin from sun damage.

Oily Skin

Does your face look like it’s sweating, even if you’ve been doing nothing but watching sports all day? Do you have enlarged pores, and are prone to blackheads and breakouts easily? If so, you probably have oily skin.

 Cleanse: Cleanse your face 1-3x a day with a face wash to keep it oil and dirt free. A simple routine is in the morning, mid afternoon, and before you go to bed. It’s hard to “over wash” an oily face, but don’t go overboard as drying out your face can actually stimulate oil production. Using a face wash with a scent is fine as the scents probably will not irritate your face. Before washing, splash warm water on your face or even better, take a shower to open up your pores to allow dirt out. Use only a dime sized amount of face wash as the skin on your face is extremely delicate, it really needs very little to be cleansed. Lather up your face for 30 seconds with your face wash by lightly rubbing in a circular motion. Try not to pull down on the skin as you don’t want to help gravity and expedite the natural occurrence of wrinkles/loose skin. Rinse with cool water as this will shrink your pores, preventing new dirt and oil from entering. Pat your face dry as rubbing your face encourages premature wrinkling from stretching the skin. Your face should feel clean, but not “too clean”. People have been programmed by cheap, drugstore face washes to think that your face should feel tight and dry after you wash it. This is actually bad for your face as it can increase oil production, cause breakouts, and drying out your face causes expedited aging. Scrub: You should exfoliate your face 1-3x a week to help prevent the build up of dead skin cells and to keep your large pores from clogging up. Using a face wash before you shave also adds an added benefit of allowing for a smoother shave. On days you exfoliate, the scrub should replace washing your face, as both washing your face and using a face scrub together can severely dry out your face, causing irritation, breakouts and redness. Like washing your face, prepare your face by splashing warm water on your face or even better; take a shower to open up your pores to allow dirt out. Apply a dime sized amount of men's face scrub to your face; any more is just a waste of your hard earned money. Gently rub the scrub over your face, especially the areas where your pores are the largest. If using scrub before a shave, make sure to concentrate on the areas of your face you plan on shaving. Rinse with cool water as this will shrink your pores, preventing new dirt and oil from entering. Pat your face dry as rubbing your face encourages premature wrinkling from stretching the skin. Hydrate: Use a face moisturizer 1-2x a day. Hydrating your face keeps it generally looking good, prevents aging and wrinkles, and prevents excess oil production (yes, you heard that right). Using a scented product may actually help slow down oil production (a product scented with natural essential oils, not synthetic fragrance.) If you’re worried about your forehead wrinkles and other fine lines, a small amount of anti-aging cream can help smooth them out and tighten your skin. Nothing can prevent wrinkles or fully make them go away, but you certainly can slow down the aging process and make them less noticeable. An eye cream can also tighten and rejuvenate the tired, wrinkly skin around your eyes. If you’re going to be in the sun for an extended period of time (over 30 minutes), apply SPF30 or higher designed for the face to protect the skin from sun damage.

Combination Skin

Does your skin have patches of oiliness, yet other areas are dry? Perhaps your forehead and nose always seems oily, while your cheeks are always dry. If so, you probably have Combination Type Skin. This type of skin is tricky to manage, but our regimen below will let you tackle it with ease.

Cleanse: Wash your face 1-2x a day with a face wash to keep it oil and dirt free. In the morning and before bed are good points. Use a face wash without scent so as not to irritate the dry parts of your face. Before washing, splash warm water on your face or even better, take a shower to open up your pores to allow dirt out. Use only a dime sized amount of face wash as the skin on your face is extremely delicate, it really needs very little to be cleansed. Lather up your face for 30 seconds with your face wash by lightly rubbing in a circular motion, especially around the oily areas of your face. Try not to pull down on the skin as you don’t want to help gravity and expedite the natural occurrence of wrinkles/loose skin. Rinse with cool water as this will shrink your pours, preventing new dirt and oil from entering. Pat your face dry as rubbing your face encourages premature wrinkling from stretching the skin. Your face should feel clean, but not “too clean”. People have been programmed by cheap, drugstore face washes to think that your face should feel tight and dry after you wash it. This is actually bad for your face as it can increase oil production, cause breakouts, and drying out your face causes expedited aging. Scrub: You should exfoliate your face 1-2x a week to help prevent the build up of dead skin cells. We suggest only exfoliating the oily parts of your face as using a face scrub on dry areas will only cause irritation and excessive dryness. Using a face scrub before you shave adds an added benefit of allowing for a smoother shave. On days you exfoliate, the face scrub should replace washing your face, as both washing your face and using a face scrub together can severely dry out your face, causing irritation, breakouts and redness. Like washing your face, prepare your face by splashing warm water on your face or even better; take a shower to open up your pores to allow dirt out. Apply a dime sized amount of men's face scrub to your face; any more is just a waste of your hard earned money. Gently rub the scrub over your face, especially the areas where your pores are the largest. If using scrub before a shave, make sure to concentrate on the areas of your face you plan on shaving. Rinse with cool water as this will shrink your pores, preventing new dirt and oil from entering. Pat your face dry as rubbing your face encourages premature wrinkling from stretching the skin. Hydrate: Moisturize your skin with a face moisturizer1-2x a day after wash it. A simple routine is to do it after you shower in the morning and before you go to bed. Hydrating your face keeps it generally looking good, prevents aging and wrinkles, and prevents excess oil production. Use a non-scented product so as not to irritate the dry parts of your face. If you’re worried about your forehead wrinkles and other fine lines, a small amount of anti-aging cream can help smooth them out and tighten your skin. Nothing can prevent wrinkles or fully make them go away, but you certainly can slow down the aging process and make them less noticeable. A good eye cream can also tighten and rejuvenate the tired, wrinkly skin around your eyes. If you’re going to be in the sun for an extended period of time (over 30 minutes), apply SPF30 or higher designed for the face to protect the skin from sun damage.

Mature / Sun Worn Skin

Does your skin have many wrinkles, spotty patches, and look dull or tired? If so, you already know you have aged/sun worn skin. You can’t completely undo the current damage, but with help, you can noticeably revitalize your skin and prevent future damage.

 Cleanse: Wash your face 1-2x a day with a face wash to keep it oil and dirt free. In the morning and before bed are good points. Use a face wash without any scent, as it could irritate your frail skin. Before washing, splash warm water on your face or even better, take a shower to open up your pores to allow dirt out. Use only a dime sized amount of face wash as the skin on your face is extremely delicate, it really needs very little to be cleansed. Lather up your face for 30 seconds with your face wash by lightly rubbing in a circular motion. Try not to pull down on the skin as you don’t want to help gravity and expedite the natural occurrence of wrinkles/loose skin. Rinse with cool water as this will shrink your pores, preventing new dirt and oil from entering. Pat your face dry as rubbing your face encourages premature wrinkling from stretching the skin. Your face should feel clean, but not “too clean”. People have been programmed by cheap, drugstore face washes to think that your face should feel tight and dry after you wash it. This is actually bad for your face as it can increase oil production, cause breakouts, and drying out your face causes expedited aging. Scrub: You should exfoliate your face 1x a week to help prevent the buildup of dead skin cells and rejuvenate your aged skin. Using a face scrub before you shave adds an added benefit of allowing for a smoother shave. On days you exfoliate, the scrub should replace washing your face, as both washing your face and using a face scrub together can severely dry out your face, causing irritation, breakouts and redness. Like washing your face, prepare your face by splashing warm water on your face or even better; take a shower to open up your pores to allow dirt out. Apply a dime sized amount of men's face scrub to your face; any more is just a waste of your hard earned money. Gently rub the scrub over your face, especially the areas where your pores are the largest. If using scrub before a shave, make sure to concentrate on the areas of your face you plan on shaving. Rinse with cool water as this will shrink your pores, preventing new dirt and oil from entering. Pat your face dry as rubbing your face encourages premature wrinkling from stretching the skin. Hydrate: Moisturize your skin with a men moisturizer 1-2x a day after washing it. A simple routine is to do it after you shower in the morning and before you go to bed. Hydrating your face will help prevent further aging and also revitalize your skin, making wrinkles and lines less noticeable. To further reduce wrinkles and tighten your skin, apply a small amount of anti-aging cream to your forehead and other wrinkly areas of the face. Nothing can prevent wrinkles or fully make them go away, but you certainly can slow down the aging process and make them less noticeable. An eye cream can also tighten and rejuvenate the tired, wrinkly skin around your eyes. If you’re going to be in the sun for an extended period of time (over 30 minutes), apply SPF30 or higher designed for the face to protect the skin from sun damage.

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