Problematic skin

Some of us have problematic skin and need more look after it, here I write about most known problems such as acne, rosacea and sensitive/reactive types. These condition have a devastating effect on self-esteem and afflict people of all ages and every skin color. They can affect you at any point in life. Read on!

The six types of acne:

 Acne vulgaris- is a long-term skin disease that occurs when hair follicles are clogged with dead skin cells and oil from the skin. It is characterized by blackheads and whiteheads, pimples, oily skin, and possible scaring. It primarily affects areas of the skin with a relatively high number of oil glands, including the face, upper part of the chest, and back.This type of acne can be non-inflammatory or inflammatory cystic.

Acne rosacea-is most common form of acne as well, this form of acne is distinguished by a red rash that covers the nose, cheeks, forehead and chin.

Acne conglobata- is most severe acne, with this form large lesions are interconnected across the face and body and accompanied by an abundance of big blackheads. This form leaves serious scars.

Acne fulminans- occurs suddenly, it is accompanied by fever and aching joints. Is often develops after unsuccessful treatment for acne conglobata.

Pyoderma faciale- consists of large nodules and pustules that are very damaging, appears suddenly and on the face of women and men between the ages of twenty to forty. Typically this condition has swings in activity with more or less severity.

Gram-negative folliculitis-  an uncommon condition of pustules and cysts, may be caused by long-term use of antibiotics (tetracycline) for the treatment of acne vulgaris.

Acne flare-ups:
1. Genetics
2. Hormones
4. Diet
5. Medication and drugs
6. Grooming products

Few ways to protect your skin from breakouts: 
-do not mess with pimples and blemishes yourself!
-change pillowcase every few nights to avoid trapped bacteria
-avoid use of fabric softeners on your towels and sheets 
-limiting your caffeine intake will reduce breakouts causing inflammation in the skin

Everyday acne triggers:  
-facial hair removal
-wearing make up at the gym
-stress when travel
-irritating sunscreen

Active ingredients in acne treatment products: 
-benzoyl peroxide
-salicylic acid
-alpha hydroxy acids (glycolic acid & lactic acid)

My favorite Anti-acne Method: 

-exfoliator with salicylic acid 
-cleanser for oily or acneic skin
-glycolic acid cream 
-oil free moisturizer

-blemish polish
-blemish cleanser
-blemish nourisher
-vitamin C cream
-firming serum
-night cream

When home care is not enough please consult DERMATOLOGIST!!!

 If your acne persist and you see scaring and discoloration you will need prescribed one or more medications, eg. topical retinoid, anti-microbials, creams, hormone therapy, antibiotics.

Other procedures for acne:
-chemical peels
-drainage and extraction
-light therapy
-diode laser
-high-intensity lasers

Rosacea and types:
Is an inherited predisposition that involves a dysfunction of the immune system and abnormal vascular neurological reactivity, the complex regulatory interactive system become hyperactive and set off an inflammatory cascade a series of reactions that lead to rosacea flare-up.

Type 1: ETR (erythematotelangiectatic)
Characteristic:  flushing or blushing easily, persistent flushing and redness in the center of the face, scalp, neck, decolletage, spider veins or visibly dilated blood vessels, sensitive skin, dry, rough, scaling skin, edema or swollen skin, stinging and burning
Type 2: PPR (papulopustular) 
Characteristic: breakouts that come and go, oily skin, spider capillaries, raised patches of dry, red skin called plaques, high sensitivity
Type 3: phymatous or thickening skin (rare, develops slowly)
Characteristic: bumps, thicker skin especially on nose, also can occur on the chin, forehead, cheeks,ears, large pores, oily skin
Type 4: ocular
Characteristic: watery or bloodshot eyes, gritty feeling (like sand in the eyes), dryness of the eyes, reddening of eyelids, itchiness, burning or stinging, light sensitivity, blurred vision, cysts or sties on eyelids
 Factors causing flare-up:
a) environment
-sun exposure (with/out sunscreen)
-weather extremes (hot, cold, low humidity)
-overheated rooms
b) emotional states
-stress (physical, emotional, psychological)
-change in emotion (tears or laughter)
c) food and beverages
-diet soft drinks
-hot food or beverages
-spicy food
-citrus fruits and juices
-others: processed food that come in boxes, bags, jars, cans, refined food such as white bread and rolls, pasta, MSG (most processed food), preservatives, food coloring, cheese, sour cream, yogurt, red meat (beef, lamb, liver), shrimp, lobster, pickled foods, fermented food, marinated food, smoked foods, vinegar, artificial sweeteners. Some people have reaction to this healthy foods: tomatoes, spinach, aubergine, navy and lima beans, peas, bananas, figs, raisins, avocados, red plums,  
d) activities
-strenuous exercise
-heavy exertion
-hot baths and showers
-saunas and steam rooms
-overstimulating skin treatments
-rubbing skin to hard
-not keeping hands from face
-recreational drug use
e) personal care products
-products that strip or overclean skin
-masks that are excessively drying
-products contains peppermint, menthol, essential oil
-skin care containing alcohol or witch hazel
-heavy fregrances
f) medications
-topical steroids
-opiate painkillers
-sildenafil citrate 
g) medical conditions
-chronic cough

  Natural active ingredients for treating rosacea:
-aloe vera
-colloidal oatmeal
-purified feverfew
-grape seed extracts
-green tea oil
-licorice extract
-mushroom extract
-vitamin C

Sensitive skin which react overreacts to internal and external upsets: 
-allergic reactions
-itchy and taut
-burning and stinging
-scaly red patches
-small red bumps
-eye puffiness and redness
-blushing and flushing

Ingredients and products to avoid: 
-overly abrasive scrubs
-sudsy soaps 
-heavy perfumed products
-high concentration of ,,natural,, essential oils
-witch hazel
-DMDM hydantoin
-quaternium -15
-to hight vitamin C contrentration
-detergents with soap and chemicals
Tips for sensitive skin: 
-do not use hot water
-forget bubble baths
-do not use scrub mitts, loofahs, washcloths
-pat dry do not rub
-apply moisturizer while skin is moist 
-test any new product by putting a small amount behind ear 
-use products fragrance free
-make sure your sunscreen contains zinc oxide or titanium dioxide
-wear smooth, natural fabric (cotton,silk)
-wear loose clothing without loads creases and folds
-throw old cosmetics
-use silicone based foundations
-do not use waterproof cosmetics
-use earthy toned eyeshadows
-protect your face from cold and wind with a soft scarf
-do not overheat home
-do not swim in a chlorinated pool
-do not get overheated (activities that make you sweat, hot yoga, etc)
-cover irritated area out of sun
-increase consumption of omega-3 fatty acids, fish oil, walnuts, flaxseeds
-increase consumption of raw vegetables and friuts
-take digestive enzymes and probiotics as supplement to improve digestions
-avoid sugar and alcohol
-talk to dermatologist before using drugstore products
-do not take over the counter oral antihistamine 

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