Botox vs skin fillers

                                                       Structure model of botulinum toxin

Today, there are several ways to prevent the signs of aging. Modern treatment options include neuromodulators and fillers. Both methods are proven to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. However, using the two techniques together may be the best way to regain a more youthful appearance.
 Advancements in the cosmetic industry have resulted in age fighting treatment options like Botox and facial fillers. Both procedures can help smooth your skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Botulinum toxin (BTX) is a neurotoxic protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum and related species. It prevents the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine from axon endings at the neuromuscular junction and thus causes flaccid paralysis. Infection with the bacterium causes the disease botulism. The toxin is also used commercially in medicine, cosmetics and research.
Botulinum is the most acutely lethal toxin known, with an estimated human median lethal dose (LD50) of 1.3–2.1 ng/kg intravenously or intramuscularly and 10–13 ng/kg when inhaled.
There are eight types of botulinum toxin, named type A–H. Types A and B are capable of causing disease in humans, and are also used commercially and medically. Types C–G are less common; types E and F can cause disease in humans, while the other types cause disease in other animals.  Type H is considered the deadliest substance in the world – an injection of only 2 ng can cause death to an adult. Botulinum toxin types A and B are used in medicine to treat various muscle spasms and diseases characterized by overactive muscle. Commercial forms are marketed under the brand names Botox and Dysport, among others.

Dermal filler is an injectable solution that fills the soft tissue under the skin. You can choose a synthetic or natural filler, and you will need to select an absorbable or non-absorbable option as well. Each variation improves the appearance of aging, wrinkling and sagging skin. Dermal fillers are ideal for filling in creases and lines, plumping up the lips and cheeks, and enhancing facial contours. With age, your skin loses collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid by producing these substances as slower rates. Many dermal fillers feature natural ingredients to replenish the skin’s supply and restore a youthful look. Dermal fillers also help improve definition and hydrate your skin.

Botox cosmetic use:
- shape and lift brows
- soften forehead lines
- improve frown lines
- diminish crows feet
Botox treats upper 1/3 of face, prevents the formation of fine lines and wrinkles, can be use for excessive sweating and migraines, treatment takes only 10-15min, results last up to 5months

Fillers cosmetic use:
- improve dark circles
- enhance volume in cheeks
- correct shape of nose
- reduce smile lines
- minimize nasolabial folds
- restore volume and shape to lips
- improve smokers lines
- reshape jowl line
Fillers used to shape and lift full face, one vial of fillers for every decade of age is recommended (i.e. 60yo= 6vials), improvement can be seen with as little as 1-2vials, results last up to 18months

Common injection treatment use:
- frown lines
- crows feet
- under eye lines
- bunny lines
- bruxism
- pitted/orange skin
- platysmal bands
- neck rings
- forehead lines
- glabellar lines
- eyebrow lifts
- gummy smile
- lip lines
- marionette lines/ prejowl
- hyperhidrosis

Advance skin care for men

Are you the type of guy who likes to go all out when you do something? If so, this advanced men’s skin care routine is for you for the absolute best routine you could have for your face.

Step 1: Cleanse:

The foundation of great skin and a bright complexion is clean skin. Generally, a best practice is to wash your face upon waking up, and after any major activity where you sweat, or right before you go to bed. You never want to end your day with oil and sweat sitting in your pores. Ideally, you’d wash your face twice a day.
Before washing your face, open the pores by warming up your face with warm water. A warm face causes the pores to expand, helping to make sure the face wash gets inside and cleans up any oil or build up. Lather up your face for 30 seconds with a men's face wash by lightly rubbing in a circular motion. Try not to pull down on the skin as you don’t want to help gravity and expedite the natural occurrence of loose skin.
Rinse with cool water as this will shrink your pores, preventing new dirt and oil from entering. Pat your face dry since rubbing your face encourages premature wrinkling from stretching the skin. Your face should feel clean, but not “too clean”. People have been programmed by cheap drugstore brands to think your face should feel tight after its washed. This is actually bad for your skin as it can increase oil production, create breakouts, and excessively drying out your skin accelerates aging.

Step 2: Scrub:

We recommend using a men's face scrub (exfoliating) 3 -4x a week, depending on your skin type.  Exfoliation will help remove dead skin cells and any deep down impurities within the pores. Ideally, scrub before you shave to help loosen up whiskers and elevate them further above the skin, allowing for a closer shave.
Only scrub your face after washing it. Apply a dime sized amount of scrub to your face and gently rub the scrub over your skin. Focus on areas where dead skin is more likely to build up, usually the nose, forehead and neck. Be careful of scrubbing too harshly around the eye, where skin is most delicate, you don’t want to encourage wrinkles. If using scrub before a shave, make sure to concentrate on the areas of your face you plan on shaving.
After scrubbing your face, rinse with cool water to close your pores, preventing new impurities and oil from entering. Pat your face dry as rubbing your face encourages premature wrinkling from stretching the skin.

Step 3: Balance:

(If you have dry or sensitive skin, you can skip ahead to Step 4. But for guys with oily or acne prone skin, Step 3 is a must. Men with normal skin should also try it out - the results may surprise you.)
Next, balance your skin's pH and oil levels with skin toner for men. It's designed to remove facial impurities, restore the skin’s pH balance, and reduce oil production. Use it after washing and exfoliating. Make sure to avoid any toner that contains alcohol, menthol, or other harsh ingredients. Instead, choose a natural skin toner for men with witch hazel.
Using skin toner will also prepare your skin for the next two steps...

Step 4: Hydrate: 

After cleansing and exfoliating, you’ll need to moisturize your skin with a face moisturizer. The best face moisturizers for men will help keep skin cells hydrated (meaning your face will look firm and energized), protect the face from impurities entering into your pores, and also provide anti aging benefits.
After cleansing and/or scrubbing, pat your face dry then apply the men’s face moisturizer. Apply the moisturizer all over your face, taking special care of the areas on your face that get dry most often. Depending on your skin type, someone generally only needs a little bit of face moisturizer. The best man's face moisturizers will quickly absorb into the skin. If you have dry skin, you may need to reapply a few times a day. If you have oily skin, you still need to moisturize, just not as often. Remember, drying out your skin actually creates excess oil production, so keep it hydrated.

Step 5: Prevention:

The final step of our advanced skin care routine is to prevent aging.
Men's Face Serum: The first step in an effective anti-aging routine is face serum for men. This powerful product absorbs quickly, penetrating your skin's deep tissue to stimulate collagen production. Instead of protecting the outer skin, the best serum revives and repairs the tissue beneath where the aging process begins.
Men’s Anti Aging Cream: At night, before you go to bed, instead of applying a face moisturizer, apply an anti-aging cream for men in the same manner. Using an anti-aging cream nightly will allow the cream to work with your body’s natural nightly restoring process to help slow down aging and plump up skin cells. You’ll be able to wake up looking better than you did before you went to sleep.
Men’s Eye Cream:  Since the area around the eyes is the first part of the skin to age, you’ll want to use a men’s eye cream in the morning and at night.
Apply a thin layer of eye cream for men after the face moisturizer in the morning.  Take special care to make sure it absorbs under the eye and around the eye socket. In the morning, this will help reduce puffiness and dark circles.
At night, apply the eye cream after the anti-aging cream.  It will help firm the skin around the eyes and hydrate the skin cells, allowing you to wake up looking refreshed.
SPF:  The final step of prevention is to reduce your exposure to the sun. We generally recommend guys stay out of the sun as much as possible since it doesn’t matter how much SPF you put on, the sun will find you and harm your skin. If avoiding the sun is unrealistic, use a natural sunscreen for men with zinc based SPF. If you start to burn, it’s already too late, your skin has already been permanently damaged. A final note: If you’re one of those guys who thinks “I don’t need sunscreen”, just remember, skin cancer is very real.

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Ingridients heroes!

When working your way up to using a number of products that will help to restore skin, product manufacturers often spotlight a particular ingredients and invest it with magical, transformative powers. Do not be tricked by their unfounded claims!!!

Main ingredients worth look at:

glycosaminoglycans- (GAGs eg.hialuronic acid) are the body's natural moisturizers, they hold moisture within skin cells and provide volume, elasticity, firmness.
 keratolytic agents (AHA, glycolic acid, BHA, salicylic acid)- these ingredients are exfoliants that remove dead and damage cells, reducing fine lines, age spots, discoloration, acne scars. They invigorate, add radiance to the skin, allow other ingredients to penetrate faster, deeper, more effectively because they disrupt the stratum corneum. These acids break bonds between the dead cells of the SC and the skin beneath, retinoids may be deactivated by simultaneous application of AHAs.

 Explanation of ingredients:

a) alpha hydroxy acids and glycolic acids- AHAs are water-soluble, they have a positive effect on sun-damaged skin, bind moisture and improve collagen production. Glycolic acid is the original AHA used in skin care products, it can irritate and scar darker skins (introduce them gradually using products that contains the AHA mandelic or malic acid be safer)

b) beta hydroxy acid and salicylic acid- since these exfoliants are fat-soluble they can penetrate the oil in pores, unclogging them and clearing the debris, their anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties make them effective with oily skin prone to blackheads, acne also reduce redness from rosacea.

c) anti-oxidants- they save cells from environmental damage, turn scavenging free radicals into harmless compounds and stop them from destroying DNA, collagen, elastin. Topical anti-oxidants supplement the body's innate defense to neutralize free radicals, they boost cell repair, stimulate collagen production, reduce blotchiness. Some multi-task but most powerfull when they used in packs and tackle free radicals in different ways. Below is list of specific topical anti-oxidants:
-vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) is the most abundant anti-oxidant in skin, neutralize age-promoting free radicals that cause inflammation, contributes to the production of new collagen, thickening the skin and reducing fine lines, wrinkles, strengthnes the skin barrier by stimulating the production of lipids, which keeps the skin from drying out. Vit. C works synergistically with vit. E to boost the effectiveness of sunscreen further protectin skin from sun damage. At concentration of 5% or higher works to correct hyperpigmentation.
-vitamin E (tocophenols, tocotrienols, tocophenyl acetate) is fat-soluble, concentrate mainly in the stratum corneum to absorb the oxidative stress from UV radiation, protects cells membranes and prevent collagen from being destroyed by UV rays, boosts skin natural moisture retention mechanisms, protect from the formation of age spots and scarring.
-alpha lipoic acid is found in every cell of the body, protects against environmental stressors including UV radiation, cigarette smoke, auto exhaust, ozone, erases fine lines, diminishes pores, gives skin radiance. It is water and fat-soluble which makes it very versatile.
-coenzyme Q10 it has been shown to reduce facial wrinkles, particularly around eyes. Its actions include promoting the proliferation of fibroblasts, which produce collagen and intracellular matrix, enhancing production of the cells in the epidermal basal membrane.
-selenium is essential trace mineral which has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, helps prevents skin cancer by protecting cell membranes from oxidative deterioration and UV ray damage, works synergistically with vitamin E.

d) retinoids (retinol, retinyl palmitate) is a key ingredients for skin renewal, it is a vitamin A derivative that acts on DNA to promote healthy keratinocytes which results in desired epidermal thickering. Stimulates growth hormones to increase production of collagen and elastin as it decreases production of collagenase the enzyme that eats up collagen, sweep away dull cells, speed up cell turnover and repair, the powerful ingredients pumps up circulation in the skin and increases blood vessel information, also shrink oil glands and tighten the skin. Can make your skin sensitive to the sun so be certain to use sunscreen!

e) skin brighteners are often use for pre-procedure conditioning to reduce post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, they work by inhibiting the enzyme tyrosinase which signals production of melanin in the skin.

- red algae extract (palmaria palmata, oligosaccharide) is extract from marine algae revitalizes and moisturizes stressed skin by protecting the dermal matrix and stimulating, protecting the epidermal barrier. Its fights against redness and uneven skin tone as well.

- phenylethyl resorcinol is a new lightening and brightening ingredient, it's an anti-oxidant that is effective in influencing the formation of pigmentation.

- hydroquinone is an effective skin lightener that may or may not have some serious health risks, particularly for people with darker complexions.Since it blocks the production of melanin, skin protection from UV rays is diminished resulting in increased cancer risk. When you choose a skin brightener make sure other brighteners are in compound and hydroquinone is not the first ingredient.

- alpha-arbutin is derived from the leaves of blueberry, mulberry, cranberry and bearberry bushes. It is a natural source of hydroquinone and has the same melanin-inhibiting properties, it has been found to be a somewhat effective alternative to hydroquinone.

- resveratrol is a powerful anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory found in red grape skin that suppresses excess melanin production, known as ,,red wine anti-oxidant,, that is why you will find grape seed oil in skin care products. Its also found in acai oil made from a South American berry, the spice turmeric is a source of resveratrol which also improve mitochondrial function the production of energy in the cells.

 f) azelaic acid a component of wheat, barley, rye, other grains. Is used to treat acne and proven helpful in treating skin discolorations.

g) kojic acid is produced by fermentation of rice in the production of sake. It is a somewhat effective melanin inhibitor. Is an unstable ingredient but kojic dipalmitate, an anti-oxidant is more stable and used in cosmetics.

h) licorice extract produce from the root of the licorice plant, is recommended for treating eczema, psoriasis, herpes, canker sores. Liquiritin (substance found in licorice) had been found effective in treating melasma, a hyperpigmentation disorder.

i) peptides are short chains of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. They are engineered in the lab foe skin care products and synthesized into different combinations so they can enter the stratum corneum and affect the functioning of the epidermis and dermis. Peptides were first used topically to heal wounds and reduce the formation of scar tissue, promoting the production of normal skin cell, they are use to regulate the growth rates of skin cells, to limit oxidation and to create an anti-inflammatory environment to optimal healing conditions.

j) the mystique of stem cells have power to restore your skin, even skin tone and lighten freckles, dark spots, uneven pigmentation, increase elasticity and reduce sagging, hydrate skin, smooth skin, erasing lines and wrinkles, reduce the appearence of scars and large pores, regulate sebum production and enhance the skin's renewal process, therapy triggers skin cells to reproduce and to communicate more clearly with each others.

k) stabilizing agents ceramides constitute half the cornified layer's lipid or fat content, the lipids between skin cells seal them together. Ceramides are critical components of the skin barrier that keeps moisture in and pathogens out, they keep your skin healthy and vibrant. The ingredients boost ceramide levels and free fatty acid lvl in skin:

- niacinamide (B3) is a water-soluble vitamin that increases ceramide levels which prevents the skin from losing water by stimulating circulation in the dermis through vasodilation, decreases lines and wrinkles by increasing dermal protein and collagen production, reduce acne, lightening skin discoloration, as anti-oxidant is impreves epidermal barrier function and quiets inflammation.

- hyaluronic acid is a sugar produced by body to keep tissues cushioned and lubricated, it's found in the skin, joint fluid, connective tissues, absorbs water and plumps up skin. When use as ingredient in moisturizers it helps skin to repair and regenerate, most effective with vit. C to smooth skin.

- linoleic acids and phospholipids free fatty acids function to replenish the intercellular matrix, increase the skin own anti-oxidant nature, prevent anti-oxidant enzyme depletion and DNA degradation.

l) botanicals more than seventy natural ingredients from plants have been use today in care products, top one are:

- caffeine used as topical ingredient is an anti-oxidant that can inhibit the growth of skin cancer, has power to reduce wrinkles especially crow's feet.

- isoflavones derived from soy, are plant estrogens that mimic some of estrogen's effects on skin. Phytoestrogens couple with estrogen receptors which are denset in the granural layer keep skin from thinning and correct dryness and lose of elasticity, they combat free radicals and increase the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid.

- green tea has anti-oxidant and anti-inflamatory properties, can reduce sun damage, protect skin from cancer and decrease collagen breakdown.

- marula oil this oil comes from the fruit of the tree from South Africa when is use as moisturizer. A hydrating ingredient it contains high levels omega fatty acids and anti-oxidants, soften the skin and balanced moisture levels.

Examining your skin for sign of skin cancer

Anyone can get skin cancer, regardless of skin color. It is estimated that one in five Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer in their lifetime. When caught early, skin cancer is highly treatable. Use the information in this graphic to check your skin regularly.

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Advance skin care treatments


 Chemical Peel

A chemical peel treatment can be used on both face and body to improve both skin tone and texture. By removing the surface layer, we allow the skin to regenerate. A chemical peel treatment goes deeper into the layers of the skin than a mechanical exfoliation such as microdermabrasion and may require some recovery time after the session. Peels come in a variety of strengths for different skin concerns, and can be tailored to your lifestyle and overall facial needs. 


Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive mechanical exfoliation treatment that uses high quality corundum crystals to remove dead skin cells on the surface of your skin and to stimulate healthy cell turnover. Microdermabrasion improves minor textural issues and overall skin tone, leaving dull skin looking and feeling completely renewed. 

IPL Photofacial & Blue Light Treatments
IPL Photofacial and Blue Light Acne Treatments enhance skin tone and reduce imperfections including sun damage & spots, freckles, spider veins, rosacea, age spots, hyperpigmentation, acne and more. The procedures use superficial wavelengths to kill bacteria, stimulate new cell turnover, and reduce redness. 

Body Skin Tightening
Body Skin tightening is a procedure that uses radio frequency to improve skin conditions on the face and other bodily areas. By using deep dermal heating to increase the cell temperature to the point of thermal damage, tissues are forced to shed their existing slow, sluggish collagen and elastin cells through the body’s lymphatic system. This breakdown of the old cells forces the body to create newer, plumper, healthier cells in their place, leaving your skin firm, rejuvenated and smooth. 

The CoolSculpting procedure safely delivers precisely controlled cooling to gently and effectively target the fat cells underneath the skin. Treated fat cells are crystalized (frozen), then die. Over time, your body naturally processes the fat and eliminates these dead cells, leaving a more sculpted you. 

Lactic Acid Peel
Lactic acid peels exfoliate the surface of your skin by removing dead and damaged skin cells. These non-invasive peels reduce wrinkles, sun spots, dryness and oily skin while promoting the growth of healthy, hydrated skin cells that will leave your face smooth, bright, and completely refreshed. If you’re looking for deep cleaned pores, even skin tone, improved hyperpigmentation, and brighter skin, a lactic acid peel may be perfect for you!

Body Contouring
Body contouring uses deep dermal heating to promote thermal damage to your body’s existing fat and collagen cells. By heating and damaging these cells, the fat and collagen cells shrink and shed through the body’s lymphatic system. This process visibly improves signs of dimpling and texture while simultaneously tightening and firming your skin.

Pixel Laser Resurfacing

Pixel Skin Resurfacing is used to correct minor textural issues and, restore collagen for a fresher, more youthful appearance. With the High Power Pixel 2940, laser energy passes through the patented Pixel micro optics lens array and penetrates the skin, affecting just 15-20 percent of the skin’s surface. It creates an ablative thermal channel at the pixel area without disturbing the surrounding tissue. These pixel areas start the process of healing and the untreated area acts as a reservoir for rapid restoration. The end result is a noticeably revitalized, more youthful appearance. 

Collagen Induction Micro-Needling (Derma Pen)

Collagen inducing micro-needling is done using a hand held Derma Pen device designed to create micro injuries by lightly piercing the skin, forcing it to repair itself along with producing collagen and new skin cells. Micro-needling can help treat wrinkles, scars, stretch marks, hyperpigmentation, age spots, acne, rosacea, and pore size.

Anti-wrinkle injectables

Anti-Wrinkle injectables are an effective way of softening fine lines and wrinkles. They are injected directly into the muscle that causes facial contractions, for example the frown lines between the brows, and work by stopping facial nerves from sending the message to the muscle to contract each time you make a facial expression.
This allows the muscle to relax and as a result, the overlying skin releases its wrinkle. Anti-Wrinkle injectables and fillers can be used in a variety of treatable areas of the face, depending on where your wrinkles are.
Skilled administration of injections means natural looking results, and our highly qualified medical practitioners will consult with you to recommend the most suitable treatment for your particular concerns, be it anti-wrinkle injectables; dermal fillers or lip enhancements, for the most aesthetically pleasing and subtle results.

Botox and skin fillers ( see my next blog post for more!)

 Skin fillers add volume to facial areas like your laugh lines and lips while neuromodulators block the action of your nerves and muscles. With Botox, an expert technician will target the muscles in your face that cause wrinkles to prevent the age creases from forming. If you choose a skin filler treatment, then a specialist will inject the filling substance into your skin to soften some of the wrinkles that you already have. Botox lasts from three to six months. Facial fillers can last from a few months to a few years.

Men skincare

Men’s skincare should be straight forward and easy. There is no need for five-step peels or multiple layers of creams. Buy high quality, all natural products and your face will thank you (and the woman of your life will probably steal your products too).
The following men's skin care routine should be performed daily- most likely upon waking up and before going to bed. It’s easy to follow and will guarantee a better looking complexion.

Men's Face Care


Splash warm water on your face or even better, take a shower to open up your pores to allow dirt out.
Apply a dime sized amount of men's face wash to your face, any more is just a waste of your hard earned dollars. DO NOT use soap as the vast majority contain chemicals that are too harsh for the face.
Lather up your face for 30 seconds with your face wash by lightly rubbing in a circular motion. Try not to pull down on the skin as you don’t want to help gravity and expedite the natural occurrence of wrinkles/loose skin.
Rinse with cool water as this will shrink your pores, preventing new dirt and oil from entering.
Pat your face dry as rubbing your face encourages premature wrinkling from stretching the skin.
Avoid washing your face more than twice a day as this can cause unnecessary dryness.
You should also use a men's face scrub 1-2x a week to exfoliate your skin, which removes dead skin cells from clogging up pores and dulling your complexion. Also, avoid using face scrub more than twice a week as it can severely dry out your skin.


Moisturize your skin with a men's face moisturizer by adding a dime sized amount to your entire face. Hydrating your face keeps it generally looking good, prevents aging and wrinkles, and prevents excess oil production.
If you’re worried about your forehead wrinkles and crows-feet around your eyes, a small amount of anti-aging cream can help smooth them out and tighten your skin. For even better results to repair and restore aging eyes, use an eye cream for men, as it will not only smooth wrinkles around the eyes, but reduce bags and puffiness.
If you’re going to be in the sun for an extended period of time (over 30 minutes), apply SPF30 or higher designed for the face to protect the skin from sun damage.

Men's Body Care

Like face care, men’s body care starts with a hot shower, which opens up your pores, allowing dirt and bad oils to be easily excreted.

Bar Soap vs. Liquid Cleansers for Men

The choice to use bar soap or a body wash is purely preferential. If you have dry skin though, you should try a body wash as they usually have more moisturizers in them including Vitamin E, olive oil, and jojoba oil.

Body Moisturizers

Most guys don’t use a body moisturizer and that’s ok since many guys have oily skin. However, for guys who have dry skin or parts that are really dry, a men’s body lotion is the perfect remedy. Apply the lotion immediately after showering to your skin and focus on areas that dry out the most, including elbows, knees, shoulders, lower legs, and hands.

Men's Hand Cream

Hands can be a unique body part for men as many professions and sports require frequent use of hands. Thus, guy's hands are susceptible to becoming dry, chapped, and cracked quite easily. The best men's hand lotion should offer rich hydration, without a greasy feel.

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Daily, weekly, monthly skin care treatments!

Caring for your skin is not an optional item on your daily list of things to do. The way you look plays a very crucial role in shaping the way you feel about yourself. When your skin is fresh and glowing with good health, you feel confident and self-assured. Proper skin care gives you great looking skin which works wonders for your self-esteem!


No matter what your skin type, having a regular cleansing regimen every day is critical for good skin health. Most skin experts advise that excessive cleaning should also be avoided at all costs. Washing your skin twice a day with a good facial cleanser that is designed for your skin type helps keep acne and other skin infections under control.
Cleansing gets rid of left over makeup and cosmetics that will end up clogging your pores. It also removes any sweat and environmental impurities from the surface of the skin. Many cleansers also hydrate the skin and make it supple and elastic. It is very important to use the correct cleanser for your skin type. Do not use regular soap to wash your face. Regular soap is high alkaline which will dry out your skin. Some also contain perfume which removes the normal protective sebum layer from your skin. This tends to make your skin lose its normal moisture and in some cases may even stimulate an oily skin to produce more oil.
Toning your skin is the second step in your daily skin care regimen. Toner gets rid of any excess cleanser that is still on your skin, it refreshes the skin and evens out the pH levels. It also enhances cell renewal and refines the texture of your skin. Use a toner that gives your skin the vitamins and minerals it needs and you will see your skin revitalized in no time at all. The toner should be applied right after the cleansing (twice a day) and be left on.
Protecting your skin from sun rays is another daily skin care routine that you should adopt. Sun blocks are available for all skin types. Select one that suits yours and use it diligently whenever you need to go out.
Moisturizing your skin and keeping it well hydrated is an important step to follow. It helps the skin to maintain its normal moisture balance, puts lost moisture back into your skin and it also helps create the perfect base for your foundation. Many people with oily skin believe that moisturizing is unnecessary for them. But this may not really be true. Allowing your skin to get excessively dry may actually worsen your oily skin problems and cause acne or red patches. Drink plenty of water each day to clear out the toxins from your skin and to keep it supple and elastic all day long.
Another daily skin care tip is to pay attention to the products that you use on your skin each day and note how your skin feels or reacts afterwards. This helps you identify the cosmetics, creams and moisturizers that suit your skin best and have the least harmful impact. The same attention needs to be paid to the hair care products you use since these may also have an effect on your skin, especially if you have sensitive skin.

 To support your daily skincare routine, it is also important for you to take some extra care over the weekend to get your skin ready for the week ahead. Although some experts recommend exfoliation as a daily routine, I recommend that you do it once or twice a week. This is quite sufficient for good skin health.
 Exfoliation is the process of removing old, dead skin cells that remain on the outermost surface of your skin. This is an important part of facial skin care and body treatment. Exfoliation, when done correctly, leaves your skin looking and feeling fresh and smooth. Since the outer layer of dead cells is removed by this process, creams, serums and moisturizers penetrate the skin better and have better effect when applied after exfoliation.

Exfoliation becomes even more important as you become older. As part of normal body processes, the skin renews cells at the lower layer or dermis. These rise to the surface (epidermis), keratinizing as they advance. These keratin-filled cells form a protective outermost layer of skin. In time, they slough off and allow new cells to take their place and the cycle goes on.
However, as we age (near age of 40 and above), the process of cell regeneration and replacement slows down dramatically. As a result of uneven sloughing off and replacement with new cells, the skin loses its glow and becomes rough. Exfoliation is very essential in such conditions to remove the dead cells that remain on the epidermis so that new cells can take their place.
Exfoliation is a very effective solution to many skin problems, especially those arising from or aggravated by closed pores. Checking periodically if this process is necessary and doing it as soon as the right signs appear helps keep your skin in great condition.

 Another weekly skin care process you should adopt is the use of facial masks. You may be using masks when you need to prepare your skin for a special event or when it seems very dull and lifeless. But making this a part of your weekly regimen ensures that it gets done week after week.

Facial masks give your skin suppleness, hydration and elasticity. Masks (especially clay based ones) absorb excess oil from your skin and deep cleanse the pores. For those who suffer from severe acne, masks with salicylic acid are very effective as it also revitalizes the skin.
Most facial masks diminish the fine lines that appear on the face with age. Alpha hydroxyl acids in the mask speed up cell renewal to have this effect. This also results in smoother skin texture. Regular use of facial masks also makes your skin firmer and evens out the skin tone. This prepares your skin well for perfect makeup application.
Regular use of the right kinds of facial masks help combat several common skin problems including rosacea, oiliness, acne and dry skin. However, if you suffer from severe skin problems, you should choose your facial mask with care so the ingredients do not spark off irritation or rashes.
Use your facial mask right after a thorough cleansing and exfoliation. The pores are unclogged by the cleansing and exfoliation. The beneficial ingredients in the facial mask can penetrate the skin far better at this time so that they have maximum impact.


 Never get into the habit of using up all your beauty essentials without being mindful of their expiration. Check for their due dates and ditch the ones that are already expired. Special precaution should also be given on skin care products that you scoop out using your fingers as these are prone to contamination and may cause skin breakouts

Aside from the usual skin checks and steps that you take to ensure a radiant glow, you must also take time to examine your skin to identify suspicious spots or skin growths that may need dermatologist care or medical attention. A monthly skin check can help in the detection of skin cancer. And as cliche, as it may sound, ‘an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure’.
Going to a dermatologist for a facial or a professional treatment will not just give your skin the care it needs. It is also the ‘me-time’ you want to get the much-needed relaxation and pampering. Another smart way to splurge is taking advantage of the season-appropriate beauty essentials that should address your current skin care requirements.

Anti-ageing skin tips!

Our skin is at the mercy of many forces as we age: sun, harsh weather, and bad habits. But we can take steps to help our skin stay supple and fresh-looking.
How your skin ages will depend on a variety of factors: your lifestyle, diet, heredity, and other personal habits. For instance, smoking can produce free radicals, once-healthy oxygen molecules that are now overactive and unstable. Free radicals damage cells, leading to, among other things, premature wrinkles.
There are other reasons, too. Primary factors contributing to wrinkled, spotted skin include normal aging, exposure to the sun (photoaging) and pollution, and loss of subcutaneous support (fatty tissue between your skin and muscle). Other factors that contribute to aging of the skin include stress, gravity, daily facial movement, obesity, and even sleep position.

7 best tips:

1. Use a gentler face wash

 Try a mild face wash that uses essential fatty acids to deliver major hydration and green tea to fight against damage from free radicals — compounds that attack cells.Be sure to use a light hand, cleansing in gentle, circular motions. Aggressive scrubbing could irritate already sensitive skin and accelerate aging

 2. Start using retinoids

 Over time, skin can begin losing collagen, the protein responsible for keeping it looking smooth and lifted. This loss can result in a creased look. Experts agree that the best line of defense is to use a retinoid, the prescription-strength version of vitamin A.

3. Upgrade your SPF routine

 Regular use of sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher is a great way to keep your skin healthy and prevent age spots and discoloration. With age switch to a more moisturizing sunscreen cream, and avoid alcohol-containing sprays and gels that can dry out your skin, also, look for sunscreens that contain antioxidants to protect the collagen in your skin.


4. Use a richer face cream

 The simple act of switching your normal face cream for a richer one will help trap water against the skin, pumping up those deep crevices. As an added bonus, smooth the formula down to your neck and upper torso to treat those areas as well.


5. Watch what you eat

 Much of what happens on the outside of your body is the result of what you put in it. It’s important to eat foods that nourish the skin over the years. Avoid anything that can dehydrate, like alcohol. And foods high in sugar and white carbohydrates can actually age you faster by breaking down glucose. Opt instead for more protein in your diet, including foods like fish, lean meats, beans, and legumes to help build strong collagen. Wu also recommends foods high in vitamin C to keep skin looking youthful.


6. Consider supplements

 Can a pill restore dewiness in aging skin? Maybe. Omega- 3s found in certain seafood, like salmon, can help keep skin moist and may even delay its maturing process by preventing wrinkles. If you don’t eat fish or fish products try fish oil or flaxseed oil supplements.

 As with any supplement, check with your doctor before using.


7. Exfoliate weekly

 Our skin sheds dead cells regularly, creating a new layer every 28 days. But that process can slow over time, leading to a dull-looking complexion and rough patches. To help remove that buildup, exfoliate weekly for brighter skin.

If you want focus on specific issues I have few suggestion for the product to use:
- enhanced tone balance regimen: glycolic acid cream and skin brightener
- enhanced lift and radiance regimen:vitamin C and brightening serum
- enhanced texture corrector regimen:  glycolic acid cream and sunscreen
- enhanced eye-area care regimen: eye cream and firming serum
- enhanced lifting and smoothing regimen: firming serum and night cream

Skin during pregnancy

Now that you are pregnant, you may begin to see many changes in your skin. You may see changes such as a sudden glow on your face or pinkish, reddish streaks on your stomach. Not every pregnant woman will experience all the same skin changes.

Below is a list of skin changes that are common during pregnancy:

Stretch marks are one of the most talked about skin changes that can occur during pregnancy. Almost 90% of pregnant women will experience stretch marks.Stretch marks appear as pinkish or reddish streaks running down your abdomen and/or breasts.

Exercising and applying lotions that contain vitamin E and alpha hydroxy acids have been said to help in the prevention of stretch marks. These remedies have not been medically proven to have a direct effect on stretch marks, but it never hurts to try.

If you find that nothing is working for you, take comfort in knowing that these streaks will fade to silvery faint lines after delivery.

“Mask of pregnancy” is also referred to as melasma and chlosmaMelasma causes dark splotchy spots to appear on your face. These spots most commonly appear on your forehead and cheeks and are a result of increased pigmentation.

When you become pregnant your body produces more hormones, which causes an increase in pigmentation. Nearly 50% of pregnant women show some signs of the “mask of pregnancy.”

To prevent “mask of pregnancy” from happening to you, you should wear a good sunscreen that is at least SPF 15 whenever you plan on being outside. You can also wear your favorite ball cap to protect your face from the sun.

Your skin is extra sensitive, and exposure to the sun increases your chances of these dark spots showing up on your face.
Pregnancy glow- when you are pregnant your body produces 50% more blood, resulting in more blood circulation through your body.  This increase in blood circulation causes your face to be brighter.
Your body is also producing a fair amount of hormones that cause your oil glands to work in over drive, leaving your face shiny. Both of these things can result in the “pregnancy glow” you have heard of.
If your skin becomes too oily you can use an oil free cleanser to clean your face. Other than that, do nothing but smile!

Acne- if you have a problem with acne already, your acne may become more irritated during pregnancy. The extra hormones in your body cause your oil glands to secrete more oil, which can cause breakouts.
You should keep a strict cleansing routine. You can start with a simple over-the-counter face soap. It is a good idea to use fragrance free soap to avoid nausea. 
Cleanse your face every night and every morning. Washing your face more than this can cause your skin to become dry.
Next use an astringent to remove any remaining oil. Stay away from any acne medicated astringents; they may contain acne medicine that is not recommended for pregnant women.
Finally, follow this procedure with an oil free moisturizer.  If you find that you are having problems with acne, consult with your health care provider on acne treatment during pregnancy.
Varicose veins are bulky bluish veins that usually appear on the legs during pregnancy. This happens because your body is compensating for the extra blood flow that is going to your baby.
Varicose veins can be uncomfortable and sometimes painful. Unfortunately, if you have a family history of varicose veins, you may be prone to get them during your pregnancy. The good news is that you can take measures now to prevent or decrease the symptoms.
To prevent or decrease symptoms, you should:
  • Avoid standing for long periods of time
  • Walk as much as possible to help the blood return to your heart
  • Always prop your feet up on a stool when sitting
  • Avoid sitting for long periods of time
  • Wear support stockings
  • Get enough vitamin C (this helps keeps your veins healthy and elastic)
  • Sit with your legs higher than your head for at least half an hour a day
  • Avoid excessive weight gain 
Spider veins, also known as spider nevi, are minute, reddish blood vessels that branch outward.  These spider veins are also caused by the increase in blood circulation.
They will usually appear on the face, neck, upper chest and arms. Spider veins do not hurt and usually disappear shortly after delivery. Spider veins appear more often in Caucasian women than in African American women.
Increasing your vitamin C intake and not crossing your legs can help minimize spider veins. Spider veins may also be hereditary, in which case there is nothing you can do to prevent them.
Fortunately, these will most likely fade shortly after delivery. Laser treatment can also be done to help remove any spider veins that have not faded away.

Dry Itchy Abdomen- as your belly grows, your skin stretches and tightens. This causes very uncomfortable dryness and itching. If you begin to experience severe itching late in your pregnancy, possibly accompanied by nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, fatigue and/or jaundice, you should contact your doctor.
 This could be a sign of cholestasis, which is related to the function of the liver. Your doctor may take blood tests to verify if you are experiencing cholestasis. Cholestasis occurs in about one in every 50 pregnancies and is not a problem after pregnancy.
If the itching is intense and spreads to your arms and legs, it could be pruritic urticarial papules and plagues (PUPP). PUPP occurs in about one in every 150 pregnancies. PUPP is itchy, reddish, raised patches on the skin that will go away after delivery.

To help alleviate your dry itchy abdomen, you should keep your abdomen moisturized. You can also use an anti-itch cream such as calamine lotion to help provide more relief.
Cholestasis can be treated with medications. To help alleviate PUPP your health care provider can prescribe oral medicine and anti-itch creams. Try taking a nice oatmeal bath to help relieve some of the discomfort.

 Linea nigra is the dark line that runs from your navel to your pubic bone. This is a line that may have always been there, but you may have never noticed it before because it was a light color.
During pregnancy this line darkens.  This is possibly caused by the imbalance in hormones. It usually appears around the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy.
 There is nothing you can do to prevent this from happening, but after your pregnancy this line will fade.

 Skin tags are very small, loose growths of skin that usually appear under your arms or breasts.
 After pregnancy your skin tags may disappear. If they do not disappear, there are ways to remove them.
Darkening of Freckles, Moles and Other Areas of Your Skin  -Increased hormones cause changes in your skin pigmentation. You will notice that areas with dark pigmentation, such as freckles, moles, nipples, areolas, and labia, can become even darker.

 There is nothing you can do to prevent this from happening. If you notice that a mole or freckle changes in appearance or shape, you should contact your health care provider.

These darker areas can remain darkened after pregnancy. The change in pigmentation can be noticeable, but not drastic.
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Today I support The great orchestra of christmas charity!

The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (GOCC = Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy, WOŚP) is the biggest, non-governmental, non-profit, charity organization in Poland.

 The GOCC Foundation holds American Heart Association certification to provide courses in CPR and AED, and for the use of high technology for medical lifesaving. The GOCC aims to support healthcare in Poland by purchase of state of the art medical equipment for Polish hospitals and clinics and by establishing and running six medical programmes and one educational programme. The foundation supports paediatric and geriatric wards, furnishing them in both complex medical devices such as MRI scanners, and providing long-term care units with anti-bedsore mattresses and beds, newborns and children under 5 years of age who have been victims of accidents

 The GOCC foundation offers first aid & team building courses, which are open to all adult members of public. Thevoluntiers who have completed the training become the members of Peace Patrol, whose duties involve stewarding at the festival field, assisting and informing festival goers. The GOCC foundation organizes the biggest open-air free entry music festival in Europe Pol'and'Rock Festival.

                                  Let's help together!!!

Problematic skin

Some of us have problematic skin and need more look after it, here I write about most known problems such as acne, rosacea and sensitive/reactive types. These condition have a devastating effect on self-esteem and afflict people of all ages and every skin color. They can affect you at any point in life. Read on!

The six types of acne:

 Acne vulgaris- is a long-term skin disease that occurs when hair follicles are clogged with dead skin cells and oil from the skin. It is characterized by blackheads and whiteheads, pimples, oily skin, and possible scaring. It primarily affects areas of the skin with a relatively high number of oil glands, including the face, upper part of the chest, and back.This type of acne can be non-inflammatory or inflammatory cystic.

Acne rosacea-is most common form of acne as well, this form of acne is distinguished by a red rash that covers the nose, cheeks, forehead and chin.

Acne conglobata- is most severe acne, with this form large lesions are interconnected across the face and body and accompanied by an abundance of big blackheads. This form leaves serious scars.

Acne fulminans- occurs suddenly, it is accompanied by fever and aching joints. Is often develops after unsuccessful treatment for acne conglobata.

Pyoderma faciale- consists of large nodules and pustules that are very damaging, appears suddenly and on the face of women and men between the ages of twenty to forty. Typically this condition has swings in activity with more or less severity.

Gram-negative folliculitis-  an uncommon condition of pustules and cysts, may be caused by long-term use of antibiotics (tetracycline) for the treatment of acne vulgaris.

Acne flare-ups:
1. Genetics
2. Hormones
4. Diet
5. Medication and drugs
6. Grooming products

Few ways to protect your skin from breakouts: 
-do not mess with pimples and blemishes yourself!
-change pillowcase every few nights to avoid trapped bacteria
-avoid use of fabric softeners on your towels and sheets 
-limiting your caffeine intake will reduce breakouts causing inflammation in the skin

Everyday acne triggers:  
-facial hair removal
-wearing make up at the gym
-stress when travel
-irritating sunscreen

Active ingredients in acne treatment products: 
-benzoyl peroxide
-salicylic acid
-alpha hydroxy acids (glycolic acid & lactic acid)

My favorite Anti-acne Method: 

-exfoliator with salicylic acid 
-cleanser for oily or acneic skin
-glycolic acid cream 
-oil free moisturizer

-blemish polish
-blemish cleanser
-blemish nourisher
-vitamin C cream
-firming serum
-night cream

When home care is not enough please consult DERMATOLOGIST!!!

 If your acne persist and you see scaring and discoloration you will need prescribed one or more medications, eg. topical retinoid, anti-microbials, creams, hormone therapy, antibiotics.

Other procedures for acne:
-chemical peels
-drainage and extraction
-light therapy
-diode laser
-high-intensity lasers

Rosacea and types:
Is an inherited predisposition that involves a dysfunction of the immune system and abnormal vascular neurological reactivity, the complex regulatory interactive system become hyperactive and set off an inflammatory cascade a series of reactions that lead to rosacea flare-up.

Type 1: ETR (erythematotelangiectatic)
Characteristic:  flushing or blushing easily, persistent flushing and redness in the center of the face, scalp, neck, decolletage, spider veins or visibly dilated blood vessels, sensitive skin, dry, rough, scaling skin, edema or swollen skin, stinging and burning
Type 2: PPR (papulopustular) 
Characteristic: breakouts that come and go, oily skin, spider capillaries, raised patches of dry, red skin called plaques, high sensitivity
Type 3: phymatous or thickening skin (rare, develops slowly)
Characteristic: bumps, thicker skin especially on nose, also can occur on the chin, forehead, cheeks,ears, large pores, oily skin
Type 4: ocular
Characteristic: watery or bloodshot eyes, gritty feeling (like sand in the eyes), dryness of the eyes, reddening of eyelids, itchiness, burning or stinging, light sensitivity, blurred vision, cysts or sties on eyelids
 Factors causing flare-up:
a) environment
-sun exposure (with/out sunscreen)
-weather extremes (hot, cold, low humidity)
-overheated rooms
b) emotional states
-stress (physical, emotional, psychological)
-change in emotion (tears or laughter)
c) food and beverages
-diet soft drinks
-hot food or beverages
-spicy food
-citrus fruits and juices
-others: processed food that come in boxes, bags, jars, cans, refined food such as white bread and rolls, pasta, MSG (most processed food), preservatives, food coloring, cheese, sour cream, yogurt, red meat (beef, lamb, liver), shrimp, lobster, pickled foods, fermented food, marinated food, smoked foods, vinegar, artificial sweeteners. Some people have reaction to this healthy foods: tomatoes, spinach, aubergine, navy and lima beans, peas, bananas, figs, raisins, avocados, red plums,  
d) activities
-strenuous exercise
-heavy exertion
-hot baths and showers
-saunas and steam rooms
-overstimulating skin treatments
-rubbing skin to hard
-not keeping hands from face
-recreational drug use
e) personal care products
-products that strip or overclean skin
-masks that are excessively drying
-products contains peppermint, menthol, essential oil
-skin care containing alcohol or witch hazel
-heavy fregrances
f) medications
-topical steroids
-opiate painkillers
-sildenafil citrate 
g) medical conditions
-chronic cough

  Natural active ingredients for treating rosacea:
-aloe vera
-colloidal oatmeal
-purified feverfew
-grape seed extracts
-green tea oil
-licorice extract
-mushroom extract
-vitamin C

Sensitive skin which react overreacts to internal and external upsets: 
-allergic reactions
-itchy and taut
-burning and stinging
-scaly red patches
-small red bumps
-eye puffiness and redness
-blushing and flushing

Ingredients and products to avoid: 
-overly abrasive scrubs
-sudsy soaps 
-heavy perfumed products
-high concentration of ,,natural,, essential oils
-witch hazel
-DMDM hydantoin
-quaternium -15
-to hight vitamin C contrentration
-detergents with soap and chemicals
Tips for sensitive skin: 
-do not use hot water
-forget bubble baths
-do not use scrub mitts, loofahs, washcloths
-pat dry do not rub
-apply moisturizer while skin is moist 
-test any new product by putting a small amount behind ear 
-use products fragrance free
-make sure your sunscreen contains zinc oxide or titanium dioxide
-wear smooth, natural fabric (cotton,silk)
-wear loose clothing without loads creases and folds
-throw old cosmetics
-use silicone based foundations
-do not use waterproof cosmetics
-use earthy toned eyeshadows
-protect your face from cold and wind with a soft scarf
-do not overheat home
-do not swim in a chlorinated pool
-do not get overheated (activities that make you sweat, hot yoga, etc)
-cover irritated area out of sun
-increase consumption of omega-3 fatty acids, fish oil, walnuts, flaxseeds
-increase consumption of raw vegetables and friuts
-take digestive enzymes and probiotics as supplement to improve digestions
-avoid sugar and alcohol
-talk to dermatologist before using drugstore products
-do not take over the counter oral antihistamine 

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